Tile Maps

New in version 1.4.0.

Many games use a rectangular grid of tile images to represent static parts of a level, such as floors, platforms, obstacles, background scenery, traps and more:


A platform game level made in Wasabi2D with a tile pack from Craftpix.

You could use sprite primitives to do this, but because large, scrolling levels can consist of tens of thousands of tiles, this is relatively expensive both in terms of memory usage and rendering. Instead Wasabi2D provides a GPU accelerated tile map that is fast to render even over vast tile maps.

Some of the properties of this tile map:

  • You do not need to declare the bounds of the map. Maps do not have to have rectangular bounds or be contiguous.

  • You can update tiles at any coordinate at any time.

  • However the map can use at most 255 tile images. (To use more tiles, consider using multiple maps.)


Create a tile map in a layer by calling add_tile_map(). The easiest form of this requires no arguments. Setting tiles into the map is done by assigning the name of an image (from the images/ directory) to a coordinate pair:

tiles = scene.layers[3].add_tile_map()
tiles[3, 5] = 'tile_sand'
Layer.add_tile_map(*, tile_size: Tuple[int, int] = None, any_size_tile: bool = False) TileMap

Create a tile map, initially blank.

  • tile_size – The dimensions of each tile. If omitted this will be inferred from the first tile you insert into the map.

  • any_size_tile – If True, allow setting images of any size into the map and resize them; otherwise, all tiles must match tile_size. If this is given then tile_size is a required parameter.

As well as setting tiles, there are a range of operations to treat the map as a mapping of coordinate to image name. For example, you can retrieve the tile values you have already set:

print(tiles[3, 5])  # prints tile_sand

There are also a number of Tile Drawing Operations operations to update the map in bulk.

Tile Get/Set Operations

TileMap.__setitem__(pos: Tuple[int, int], value: str)

Set the tile at the given position.

TileMap.__getitem__(pos: Tuple[int, int]) str

Get the tile at the given position.

TileMap.get(pos: Tuple[int, int], default: Optional[T] = None) Union[str, T]

Get the tile at the given position.

If there is no tile at that position, default is returned.

TileMap.setdefault(pos: Tuple[int, int], value: str) str

Set a tile in the tile map if it is not set.

Return the tile that is set in this cell after the call.

TileMap.__delitem__(pos: Tuple[int, int])

Clear the tile at the given position.

This is idempotent so does nothing if the cell did not previously contain a tile.


Clear the tile map.

Tile Drawing Operations

All these methods accept a tile parameter given as a string to set in the tile map.

They also accept a list of tile image names. In this case each tile that is drawn randomly picks from the list:

tiles = scene.layers[0].add_tile_map()
    ['fence1', 'fence2'],  # randomly pick fence tile images
    start=(0, 0),
    end=(20, 0),

You can also pass value=None in order to clear affected tiles.

TileMap.fill_rect(value: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)

Fill a rectangle of the tile map.

value can be a string to fill with just one tile value or a list of strings in order to fill with one of a range of choices. You can also pass None in order to clear tiles instead of setting them.

Note that right/bottom are exclusive.

TileMap.line(value: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], start: Tuple[int, int], stop: Tuple[int, int])

Fill a line from coordinates start to stop.

value can be a string to fill with just one tile value or a list of strings in order to fill with one of a range of choices. You can also pass None in order to clear tiles instead of setting them.

TileMap.flood_fill(value: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], start: Tuple[int, int], *, limit: int = 10000)

Flood fill from the given position.

value can be a string to fill with just one tile value or a list of strings in order to fill with one of a range of choices. You can also pass None in order to clear tiles instead of setting them.

Because the tile map is unbounded, limit caps the number of tiles that can be considered for filling. If this limit is hit then an exception is raised and no tiles are updated.

Tips: TilEd

To design large tile maps it is useful to have an editor. TilEd is a great cross-platform editor that allows you to create tile maps with powerful editing tools. It also allows you to annotate your tile map with any other data your game might need, such as the positions of decorations and interactions, and custom field for each tile.

As Wasabi2D focuses purely on the rendering of tile maps, consider using one of these libraries to load the data you want from TMX files:

Tips: Decorations

Tile maps can be repetitive. Consider adding additional decorative objects both behind and in front of your tile map to make areas of a level seem more individual:


Tips: Shortcut functions

The TileMap doesn’t have built-in features to understand the tile images you have; it doesn’t know which images are edge tiles or connectors.

If you use TilEd, it can manage this for you.

If you are building tile maps procedurally it is useful to build abstractions to help you generate the tile map. For example, here are some functions I wrote to build platforms or ladders in a game:

tm = scene.layers[0].add_tile_map()

def platform(xs, y):
    """Insert a platform into the tile map."""
    x1, x2 = sorted(xs)
    tm[x1, y] = 'platform_left'
    for x in range(x1 + 1, x2):
        tm[x, y] = 'platform_mid'
    tm[x2, y] = 'platform_right'

def ladder(x, ys):
    """Insert a ladder into the tile map."""
    y1, y2 = sorted(ys)
    tm[x, y1] = 'ladder_top'
    for y in range(y1 + 1, y2):
        tm[x, y] = 'ladder_mid'
    tm[x, y2] = 'ladder_btm'

platform((1, 4), 7)
platform((8, 11), 10)
platform((13, 17), 6)
ladder(7, (9, 13))
ladder(18, (5, 12))