Sound and Music =============== Sounds ------ wasabi2d can load sounds in ``.wav`` and ``.ogg`` formats. WAV is great for small sound effects, while OGG is a compressed format that is more suited to music. You can find free .ogg and .wav files online that can be used in your game. We need to ensure a sounds directory is set up. If your project contains the following files:: sounds/drum.wav Then ```` could play the drum sound whenever the mouse is clicked with this code:: def on_mouse_down(): Each loaded sound is a Pygame ``Sound``, and has various methods to play and stop the sound as well as query its length in seconds: .. class:: Sound .. method:: play() Play the sound. .. method:: play(loops) Play the sound, but loop it a number of times. :param loops: The number of times to loop. If you pass ``-1`` as the number of times to loop, the sound will loop forever (or until you call :meth:`.Sound.stop()` .. method:: stop() Stop playing the sound. .. method:: get_length() Get the duration of the sound in seconds. You should avoid using the ``sounds`` object to play longer pieces of music. Because the sounds sytem will fully load the music into memory before playing it, this can use a lot of memory, as well as introducing a delay while the music is loaded. .. _music: Music ----- .. warning:: The music API is experimental and may be subject to cross-platform portability issues. In particular: * MP3 may not be available on some Linux distributions. * Some OGG Vorbis files seem to hang Pygame with 100% CPU. In the case of the latter issue, the problem may be fixed by re-encoding (possibly with a different encoder). A built-in object called ``music`` provides access to play music from within a ``music/`` directory (alongside your ``images/`` and ``sounds/`` directories, if you have them). The music system will load the track a little bit at a time while the music plays, avoiding the problems with using ``sounds`` to play longer tracks. Another difference to the sounds system is that only one music track can be playing at a time. If you play a different track, the previously playing track will be stopped. .. function:: Play a music track from the given file. The track will loop indefinitely. This replaces the currently playing track and cancels any tracks previously queued with ``queue()``. You do not need to include the extension in the track name; for example, to play the file ``handel.mp3`` on a loop::'handel') .. function:: music.play_once(name) Similar to ``play()``, but the music will stop after playing through once. .. function:: music.queue(name) Similar to ``play_once()``, but instead of stopping the current music, the track will be queued to play after the current track finishes (or after any other previously queued tracks). .. function:: music.stop() Stop the music. .. function:: music.pause() Pause the music temporarily. It can be resumed by calling ``unpause()``. .. function:: music.unpause() Unpause the music. .. function:: music.is_playing() Returns True if the music is playing (and is not paused), False otherwise. .. function:: music.fadeout(duration) Fade out and eventually stop the current music playback. :param duration: The duration in seconds over which the sound will be faded out. For example, to fade out over half a second, call ``music.fadeout(0.5)``. .. function:: music.set_volume(volume) Set the volume of the music system. This takes a number between 0 (meaning silent) and 1 (meaning full volume). .. function:: music.get_volume() Get the current volume of the music system. If you have started a music track playing using :func:`music.play_once()`, you can use the :func:`on_music_end() hook ` to do something when the music ends - for example, to pick another track at random. Tone Generator -------------- Wasabi2D can play tones using a built-in synthesizer. .. function::, duration, *, waveform='sin', volume=1.0) Play a note at the given pitch for the given duration. Duration is in seconds. The `pitch` can be specified as a number in which case it is the frequency of the note in hertz. Waveform is a string - either 'sin', 'square', or 'saw'. Alternatively, the pitch can be specified as a string representing a note name and octave. For example: * ``'E4'`` would be E in octave 4. * ``'A#5'`` would be A-sharp in octave 5. * ``'Bb3'`` would be B-flat in octave 3. Creating notes, particularly long notes, takes time - up to several milliseconds. You can create your notes ahead of time so that this doesn't slow your game down while it is running: .. function:: tone.create(pitch, duration *, waveform='sin', volume=1.0) Create and return a Sound object. The arguments are as for play(), above. This could be used in a Wasabi2D program like this:: beep = tone.create('A3', 0.5) def on_mouse_down():