.. image:: _static/wasabi2d.png :alt: Welcome to Wasabi2d Wasabi2d is a game engine for Python, making it easy to use fast, modern graphical effects without low-level OpenGL programming. Wasabi2d is * Capable: draw sprites, polygons, lines, text labels and more * Pretty, thanks to fast, built-in effects such as * :doc:`Particles ` * :doc:`Full-screen post-processing effects `, including :class:`lighting `. * Written in "pure" Python (but relies on native extensions like Numpy) * Fast due to heavy use of numpy, ModernGL and GPU acceleration * Convenient, with an innovative (but optional) :doc:`coroutine ` programming model. * Works on Windows, Linux and Mac. * Fully featured; wasabi2d does not just support graphics but screenshots, sound, music, tones, storage and more. .. rst-class:: minititle Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents intro scene primitives groups tile_maps particles effects events sound animation clock coros storage .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Project changelog