Coroutines ========== .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 ``wasabi2d`` supports Python coroutines for writing asynchronous game logic in a synchronous way. As of Wasabi2D 2.0 the coroutine model is a full implementation of structured concurrency, similar to Trio_. This powerful approach is the recommended way of working with Wasabi2D. .. _Trio: .. note:: The coroutine system does not use ``asyncio``, or Trio, and is not compatible with their event loops. It only uses the ``async`` and ``await`` syntax. .. _sc: Structured Concurrency Quickstart --------------------------------- To run a Wasabi2D game with structured concurrency, pass a coroutine object to ````:: import wasabi2d as w2d scene = w2d.Scene() async def main(): with scene.add_circle( pos=scene.dims / 2, radius=scene.dims.length() / 2, color='red' ) as c: await w2d.animate(c, tween='bounce_end', radius=100) await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) await w2d.animate(c, duration=0.3, radius=1) await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) This animates a circle shape, which "drops" into place, waits a few seconds, then shrinks away. Here we're using the circle shape as a context manager, which deletes it when the context exits. (This feature is only useful with coroutines; if you don't ``await`` within the context then the object would be deleted before it is ever drawn to the screen.) ```` does not return until the coroutine it was passed has completed. This means that it is only suitable for doing one thing at a time. To run multiple tasks in parallel, we use a nursery - a scope within which those tasks will run. By the time the nursery has finished all the tasks will have finished:: import wasabi2d as w2d import random scene = w2d.Scene() async def animate_circle(color): await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(random.random()) w, h = scene.dims pos = random.uniform(0, w), random.uniform(0, h) with scene.add_circle( pos=pos, radius=scene.dims.length() / 2, color=color ) as c: await w2d.animate( c, tween='bounce_end', radius=100 ) await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) await w2d.animate(c, duration=0.3, radius=1) async def main(): async with w2d.Nursery() as ns:'red'))'green'))'blue'))'yellow'))'magenta')) # All circles have disappeared await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) Here we've created 5 tasks, each animating their own circle. Due to random delays they will take different amounts of time to animate. Still, we know that by the time the context has exited all of the circles will have finished. Here we're using fixed animations. But the tasks don't need to be so rigid. A task could represent an enemy, and stay alive until the enemy is killed. So the nursery will not exit until all enemies have been killed. That means you can write one coroutine that manages a whole level:: async def do_level(level_number): await show_level_title(f"Level {level_number}") async with w2d.Nursery() as ns: for _ in range(level_number): And we can wrap that up to play a sequence of levels. Let's imagine we have a coroutine that controls the player. The player will survive multiple levels so we can run that with an *outer* nursery:: async def play(): async with w2d.Nursery() as game: level = 1 while True: await do_level(level) await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) This is enough to do lots of interesting things, but what happens if the player dies? The ``player()`` task completes, but the level stays alive. To handle this situation we allow nurseries to be cancelled:: async def play(): async with w2d.Nursery() as game: async def player_lives(): for _ in range(3): # give the player 3 lives await player() game.cancel() # end the game level = 1 while True: await do_level(level) await w2d.clock.coro.sleep(3) When a nursery is cancelled, all tasks within it are terminated with an exception. This propagates into tasks that contain their own nurseries. Here the context manager we used becomes important again. Remember we wrote code like:: async def player(): with scene.add_sprite() as ship: ... Using context managers ensures the objects we added to a scene are removed when their task is cancelled. So both drawn primitives and the behaviours that control them are scoped to a block of code. Example: explosions ------------------- Let's start with an example of what is possible. Here we use a single coroutine to manage the whole lifecycle of a sprite. .. code-block:: python3 async def explode(pos): """Create an explosion at pos.""" sprite = scene.layers[1].add_sprite('explosion', pos=pos) # Grow, rotate, and fade the sprite await animate( sprite, duration=0.3, tween='accel', scale=10, angle=10, color=(1, 1, 1, 0), ) # Delete it again sprite.delete(), 400))) This code isn't too dissimilar to how we might write it without the coroutine, the only complexity being that we must pass a callable to ``on_finished``: .. code-block:: python3 def explode(pos): """Create an explosion at pos.""" sprite = scene.layers[1].add_sprite('explosion', pos=pos) # Grow, rotate, and fade the sprite animate( sprite, duration=0.3, tween='accel', scale=10, angle=10, color=(1, 1, 1, 0), on_finished=sprite.delete ) explode((400, 400)) But consider what happens if we want to chain several animations. This would be very hard to express using the ``on_finished`` callbacks alone: .. code-block:: python3 async def explode(pos): """Create an explosion at pos.""" sprite = scene.layers[1].add_sprite('explosion', pos=pos) sprite.color = (1, 1, 1, 0.3) # Explode phase await animate( sprite, duration=0.3, tween='accel', scale=10, angle=2, color=(1, 1, 1, 1), ) # Twist phase await animate( sprite, duration=0.1, tween='accel_decel', angle=10, ) # Collapse phase await animate( sprite, duration=1, tween='accel_decel', scale=1, pos=(pos[0] + 50, pos[1] - 50), color=(0, 0, 0, 0) ) # Delete it again sprite.delete(), 400))) The `full example code is here`__. .. __: .. video:: _static/video/explosions.mp4 Example: enemy spawner ---------------------- Coroutines don't have to be sequential effects. A coroutine can loop for as long as you want. We could use an infinite loop to spawn baddies every 3 seconds: .. code-block:: python3 async def spawn_baddies(): while True: await clock.coro.sleep(3) Meanwhile, the behaviour of every individual baddie can be its own coroutine instance: .. code-block:: python3 target = (400, 400) # update this async def enemy(): # Spawn a blob pos = random_pos() e = scene.layers[0].add_circle( radius=10, color=random_color() pos=pos, ) # Move inexorably towards target async for dt in clock.coro.frames_dt(): to_target = target - pos if to_target.magnitude() < e.radius: # We hit! break pos += to_target.normalize() * 100 * dt e.pos = pos # Explode, using the effect above e.delete() await explode(pos) The `full example code is here`__. .. __: .. video:: _static/video/run.mp4 Coroutine API ------------- The ``.coro`` attribute of any :class:`Clock` is the interface to run coroutines with that clock. This namespace distinguishes coroutine methods from synchronous/callback methods. First we need to be able to run and stop coroutines: .. method:: Launch the given coroutine instance. ``coro`` will be executed as far as its first ``await`` at this point. Return a ``Task`` instance. Example:: async def myroutine(param): ... task = Tasks allow the coroutine to be cancelled (from the outside). .. method:: task.cancel() Cancel the task. An exception ``clock.coro.Cancelled`` will be raised inside the coroutine. Example:: async def myroutine(): sprite = ... try: while True: ... except clock.coro.Cancelled: sprite.delete() task = ... if player.dead: task.cancel() Async methods/iterators ----------------------- Various asynchronous methods can be called inside the coroutine in order to wait for a period of time. .. method:: animate :noindex: You can await any animation; see :doc:`animation` for details. Example:: await animate(sprite, angle=6) .. method:: clock.coro.sleep(seconds) :async: Sleep for the given amount of time in seconds. Example:: await clock.coro.sleep(10) # sleep for 10s .. method:: clock.coro.next_frame() :async: Sleep until the next frame. Return the interval between frames. Example:: dt = await clock.coro.next_frame() .. method:: clock.coro.frames(*, seconds=None, frames=None) :async: Iterate over multiple frames, yielding the total time waited in seconds. Example:: async for t in clock.coro.frames(seconds=10): percent = t * 10.0 print(f"Waiting {percent}%") If seconds or frames are given these are the limit on the duration of the loop; otherwise iterate forever. If limiting by seconds, you are guaranteed to receive an event after exactly ``seconds``, regardless of frame rate, in order to ensure that any effect is complete. .. method:: clock.coro.frames_dt(*, seconds=None, frames=None) :async: Iterate over multiple frames, yielding the time difference each iteration in seconds. Example:: async for dt in clock.coro.frames_dt(seconds=10): x, y = sprite.pos sprite.pos = (x + dt * 100, y) # move 100 pixels per second .. method:: clock.coro.interpolate(start, end, duration=1.0, tween='linear') :async: Interpolate between the values start and end (which must be numbers or tuples of numbers), over the given duration. This is usually less convenient than ``animate()``, but does give finer control. If ``tween`` is given it is a tweening function as described under :doc:`animation`. Example:: async for v in clock.coro.interpolate(1, 20): sprite.scale = v