History ======= 1.5.0 - unreleased ------------------ * New: :ref:`Structured Concurrency model ` for coroutines * New: :ref:`subclocks` to allow for slow-motion effects and pausing * New: :class:`wasabi2d.chain.Light` * Fix: sprites do not update when only the image is changed. * Fix: crash when deleting a text label * Fix: crash when deleting a group 1.4.0 - 2020-07-09 ------------------ * New: :doc:`Tile maps ` * New: :doc:`Groups ` * New: :ref:`Emitter objects ` * New: scene-wide :ref:`pixel_art mode ` * New: vertices of a line can now be updated * New: `background=` can be set in Scene constructor * New: `label.text` can be assigned a non-str * Fix: bug with drawing end segments of lines and lines at right angles * Fix: `stroke_width` wasn't passed through in `add_rect` * Fix: Use NFC not NFKC for Unicode normalisation 1.3.0 - 2019-12-10 ------------------ * New: add a :doc:`coroutine system ` * New: make F12 :ref:`a built-in combination ` for screenshots/video recording. * New: :ref:`chain`, for more powerful post-processing effect configurations * New: ``Mask`` chain effect. * New: ``DisplacementMap`` chain effect. * New: ``trails`` effect takes an ``alpha`` parameter * New: ``bloom`` effects takes ``gamma`` and ``intensity`` parameters * New: shape primitives are drawn with antialiasing * New: tone generation supports square and saw waves * New: add ``pixellate``, ``greyscale``, ``sepia`` and ``posterize`` :doc:`post-processing effects `. * New: :ref:`scene-scaling` for high dpi displays and retro games * New: Sprites now support ``.anchor_x`` and ``.anchor_y`` parameters/attributes * Fix: actually release OpenGL resources, which needed to be done explicitly * Fix: add missing documentation for ``Layer.add_line()`` * Fix: grow a single texture atlas rather than allocating multiple. This removes a limit on how many unique text characters can be drawn with a single font. * Fix: crash when creating a scene from a REPL * New: HeadlessScene class to run the graphics engine without creating a window. 1.2.0 - 2019-09-29 ------------------ * New: add_sprite() takes an argument ``color`` to match other primitives * New: ``.scale_x`` and ``.scale_y`` for independently scaling primitives * New: ``scene.background`` can now be assigned as a color name * Fix: pick suitable OpenGL version on OS X * Fix: ``dropshadow`` effect is composited more correctly * Fix: several bugs when resizing vertex/index buffers * Fix: ``keymods`` is now exported from wasabi2d as documented. * Fix: video recording is glitchy due to recording from back buffer * Fix: text labels can now be empty * Fix: text labels can be deleted * Fix: particles display upside down and with rotation reversed 1.1.0 - 2019-09-22 ------------------ * New: ``dropshadow`` :doc:`effect `. * New: Particle group has ``spin_drag``. * New: Particles can be emitted with ``angle`` and ``angle_spread``. 1.0.0 - 2019-09-21 ------------------ * Initial PyPI version of Wasabi2D.